For those who don't quite see what I'm getting at, let's take a look at how both Cxbx and Xeon, the first two Xbox emulators, worked from an internal perspective. What is this experiment? Well, the goal of this little coding experiment was to claim the typical base address of 0x10000 that every. Well, to be frank, I haven't done any serious emulation work in a long time (and just incase you're reading this JayFox, I'm not talking about xqemu, nor have I ~ever~ said I was doing any real work on it aside from a few work arounds here and there hell I've even stated that I'm not an xqemu dev multiple times, so pleeeeeeeeeease spare me of your usual '3 lines of code' lecture because I'm really not in the mood, thanks and no disrespect), but since I'm in between jobs/paid projects yet again, I decided to pick up one of the previous experiments I started before out of curiosity. Lately, I haven't been doing much emulation wise.